Joggler packages for installation into the stock O2 Joggler OS. Usual disclaimers apply - you try these applications at your own risk. I accept no responsibility if you manage to brick, fry or otherwise trash your joggler. Most packages should be downloaded with wget to /media/tmp Installation is via: mkdir -p /media/tmp; cd /media/tmp; wget "" tar xvf packagename.tgz cd packagename sh Requirements: rtorrent requires terminfo to be installed. terminfo has a different installation method. mkdir -p /media/tmp; cd /media/tmp; wget "" cd / tar xvf /media/tmp/terminfo.tgz This will install it directly into /lib/terminfo VERIFYING PACKAGES WILL RUN BEFORE INSTALLATION. When you extract a tgz file and cd into the packagename, you can run it directly from there with: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./usr/lib export PATH=$PATH:./bin:./usr/bin packagename Packages: terminfo - Untar directly into / screen - Unix screen utility - get this - you will want it perl - Perl 5.8.8 ssh - ssh client rsync - rsync client (req: ssh if you want to rsync over ssh) rtorrent - Bitrorrent client (req: you must install the terminfo pack) irssi - irc client (req: perl and terminfo) sirc - Small perl based irc client (req: perl and terminfo) netstat - netstat utility